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Coconut Oil, Breastmilk and Lauric Acid
Motherhood pregnancy and breast-feeding are all universal and very, very personal experiences.

3 Steps to getting away from a narcissist
Becoming aware of and then getting away from a narcissist is a multi-step process and usually takes place over s period of time.

Valentines Day Relationship Skill: Turning Towards
Successful couples turn towards each other 86% of the time while distressed couples, who eventually divorce, turn towards only 33%!

Breast-feeding Moms: Yummy Mocha Coconut Coffee Recipe
Make tasty organic mocha coffee latte at home!

Mindfulness doesn't mean you feel calm all the time
Learning to be mindful on a daily basis doesn't mean that you are perfectly calm all the time. That's not even the goal. It's not how we...

Friendship in a lonely world
I get alot of questions about friendship in my psychotherapy practice. What does research say about friendship?

3 Things that Helped Me Beat Anxiety in 2021
The anxiety of 2021 definitely affected me. On top of all the natural and man-made disasters, there were/are the usual personal and...

Self-Care: Essential Oils for Emotional Support
Lavender is one of the most studied essential oils and also one of the most loved fragrances!

Have a Realistic Holiday
The holiday season is upon us once again! Joyful, sparkly magazine covers are adorned with pictures of beautiful appointed tables with...

BirthTouch® Fourth Trimester Plan
Did you know the first three months after childbirth are critical months for the emergent family?

Postpartum Depression Treatment Options
If you suffer from postpartum depression, please know that you do not need to suffer alone. Postpartum depression is treatable.

For Couples: Structured Communication Skills
Like learning carpentry, learning good communication is a skill. Both have subtleties and nuances. Achieving prowess in either one takes...

Forest Bathing for Mindbody Wellness
"It's clear our bodies still recognize nature as our home…”
Professor Yoshifumi Miyazaki.

Sustaining marriage through mental health challenges
Marriage is not a simple relationship. There are so many levels of differences in individuals. And so many ways for a couple to feel...

Women, Depression and Mothering
What has depression in women and the recent article about feminisim and mothering by the writer Erica Jong got to do with each other? We...

Good Enough Moms & Good Enough Families
Updated February 18, 2022 Funny how we live our lives is influenced by media and social change. The feminist movement strove to help...

Postpartum Depression & Marital Challenges
You might be wondering, “Why is my doctor singling ME out? Am I really experiencing postpartum depression? But I am a good mom, this...

What Have We Wrought in Our Oceans and On Our Earth?
I just read an article in Oprah’s September, 2010 magazine, by editor-in-chief Susan Casey. Ms. Casey wrote about she recently witnessed...

Women and Depression: Not Just An Hormonal Event
While it is truly wonderful that women’s moods, such as postpartum depression, from a biological perspective, are now being studied in...

Greetings and welcome to being a mom?
Welcome to my blog, Musings about Moms, Marriage, and Mental Health! As a result of my own life experiences, I hope to reach out to...
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