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Remembering September 11, 2001
Originally published September 11, 2011. It was a beautiful September day, blue sky, white clouds. Got in my car, went to the bank, then...

Facing Your Fears of Parenting a Newborn
Originally published September 7, 2011. Pregnancy is a time of spiritual & psychological growth, but can also be a time of uncertainty....

Dr. Phil – SIDS, Substance Abuse & Infant of a Substance-Abusing Mother (ISAM)??
Originally published September 3rd, 2011 This may be unpopular in psychotherapy circles, but, I really love Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil, just...

Breast Milk, Formula, Perinatal Mood Disorders: Individualized and Global Issues
I took a vacation from blogging. I’ve been getting treatment for my neck injury, and now I’m finishing up my e-book. I plan to up and...

Infant Sleep Methods: Part Four- Dr. Karp’s “Happiest Baby on the Block”
This is number four in my review of the seemingly endless books on Infant Sleep Methods currently out there. I’m demystifying the field...

Infant Sleep Methods: Part Three – Dr. Marc Weissbluth
Good Enough Night-time Parenting Styles Hey everyone! Back after a long blogging break! If you visit my Twitter and Facebook feeds, you...

Infant Sleep Methods - Part Two: Mrs. Pantley : “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”
“Well, maybe she gets up all the time because of all that breastfeeding.” “If you let her cry, she will grow up to feel unloved and...

Infant Sleep Methods Series : Part 1, Infant Sleep Safety
Part 1: Infant Sleep Methods: Infant Sleep Safety You are a new parent! Your baby doesn’t seem to have the same sleep needs as you....
I Won the Stylish Blogger Award!
I won the Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you Carol & Stacy! I am honored to have won the Blogger Award from Carol & Stacy, the creators and...
Managing postnatal emotions
Help manage postnatal emotions! Infant massage You get two for the price of one! Care for yourself and that cute baby! Are you a new mom...
Marriage Therapies Explained
Perhaps you and your spouse or significant other have been having problems for quite some time. Perhaps you are discovering the person...
The Carnival of Managed Care: How it Compromises Your Mental Health
Do you think that, after months (maybe years) of hemming and hawing about the time and cost and need of going and finally deciding to...
Protecting therapeutic privacy
Do you think that your healthcare information is secure and safe? Do you think that your healthcare provider, in this case that would be...
Be kind to yourself in your 2010 year in review! You are awesome!
To all my treasured online friends Facebook, Twitter and Bloggers! Be kind to yourself in your own 2010 year in review! You are awesome!...
Merry Christmas to All! Including Your Unborn Baby!
It’s nearing Christmas 2010. I am thinking back to near Christmas 1994. I had a Christmas baby then. He was born a few weeks before...
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