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4 Flower Essences for healing trauma
Flower essences are in the realm of naturopathy, herbalism and energy therapies. Flower essences (FE) work on the vibrational level.

AOC: Calling Out Gaslighting
Updated January 28, 2022 This is NOT about agreeing with anyone’s political agenda. This is about the dynamics of power, silence and...

Book Review: Thru-Hike the Appalachian Trail
Updated December 31, 2021. Benton MacKaye pioneered the concept of land preservation for recreation and conservation. Back in the early...

PTSD 5: How Emotions Are Processed
Eare processed in the brain, from the bottom up: from the emotional brain to the rational brain.

PTSD: 4 No, it’s not all in your head: Memory Encoding
Ttraumatic memories are physically encoded differently in the brain than regular, non-traumatic memories.

PTSD: 3 No, it’s not all in your head: the Vagus Nerve
In this article, we’ll talk about the cranial nerves, and, more specifically, the vagus nerve and polyvagal theory.

PTSD: 2 No, it’s not all in your head: The Neuroplatform of Emotion
Advances in neurobiology – knowing how our brains and nervous systems work – help us understand how PTSD symptoms persist and how they heal

PTSD: 1 No, it’s not all in your head
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a painful, frightening and frustrating condition.

My Homemade Fire Cider
Updated January 1, 2022 When I was at home raising my son, I made fire cider every winter. As the years went by, I got out of the habit....

Expressive Art & Wise Mind
Originally posted March 23, 2020. About 98% of our mental activity…the reasons why we do things…is unconscious (Bargh, 2017). ...

Somatic Experiencing® heals trauma
Originally posted February 23, 2020. I wanted to announce that I’ve added Somatic Experiencing® to my skillset as a psychotherapist....

Favorite Books of 2019
Originally posted February 5, 2020. If President Barack Obama can release his 2019 book list, so can I! Of course, my book list consists...

Estrangement, loneliness and the holidays
Originally posted December 16, 2019. Have a peaceful holiday season, with a side of realism! In May of 2018, Cigna surveyed 20,000...

Tips for Facing the Holidays for Sexual Abuse Survivors
Originally posted December 6, 2019. Trauma survivors are made particularly anxious by the hoopla around the holidays. Because of the fear...

Me and My Chronic Pain
Originally posted November 30, 2019. These are not my actual x-rays…but I have a rod, plate and pins Chronic pain is defined as pain that...

Thanksgiving: An Antidote for Life in a Narcissistic World
As I shopped for and then began to prepare food for my family, I thought about this poem I have displayed in my counseling office. In my...

Research: Small Everyday Pleasures Make a Big Difference
Updated June, 2023 How effective are everyday stress management techniques in helping keep a person healthy? How strongly do everyday...

Tap into Heart-Centered Relaxation anywhere – even standing on line
Practice Heart Centered #Meditation to increase Mental Health and expand self love

Vivian at College: Am I involved with a narcissist?
Originally posted October 17, 2019. When Ted’s daughter Vivian FaceTimed him from college, she seemed a bit down. He suspected it was...

Sarah asks: Is verbal abuse really abuse?
Originally posted September 15, 2019. It was a few months before Sarah felt she trusted me enough to reveal what she felt was her deepest...
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